Recovery Games No4  16-8-2019


 The Therapy Centre taking part in our 4th Recovery Games 16-8-2019
Unfortunately we had poor weather and the last few obsticles were rained off!
 Despite the weather we all managed to have a great time.
I would like to thank Katy for contributing her photos


No Stephen you can't bring her home!






Now that's what I'm talking about! Nice one No1

Enough of No1 back to the games!
Beth it's only water lol






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Services Overview

This genuinely holistic team of professionals possess qualifications and skills in many areas including general nursing, mental health nursing, teaching, care, addiction recovery, welfare rights, smoking cessation, counseling, hypnotherapy, aromatherapy, first aid at work, health and safety and many more.

Contact Us

The Therapy Centre is open 24:7 all year round.  For general enquires please contact us between 9am to 5pm Monday to Sunday.

Address: 102 Horsforth Ave, Bridlington
                          East Yorkshire, YO15 3DF
Telephone: 01262 674801
FAX: 01262 674801

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