Day Visits
- Support -
Support at The Therapy Centre on a non-residential basis
- Duration -
Duration of visit 2 to 6 hours
in anyone day
- Time -
Time out from stressors
- Promotion -
Promotion of a feeling of safety, belonging and understanding
- Relaxing -
Relaxing opportunities
- Talking -
Talking therapies
- Complementary -
Complementary therapies
- Stress -
Stress and anxiety management
- Personal -
Personal development sessions
- Assertiveness -
Assertiveness training
- Positive -
Positive thinking sessions
- Health -
Health educationl
- Decision -
Decision making and problem solving
- Planning -
Planning pathway forward
- Exercise -
Exercise programmes
- Cooking -
Cooking sessions
- Budgeting -
Budgeting management
- Developing -
Developing work skills
- Leisure -
Leisure activities
- Opportunities -
Opportunities to make friends and socialise
Sidebar Menu
- Home
- Support
- Treatments
- About Us
- Gallery
- Contact
- Links
- Sponsor Donations
- Sponsor Donations
- Projects
- Allotment
- Training
- Training At The Therapy Centre
- Groups
- Groups at The Therapy Centre
- Counselling
- Clinical Hypnosis
- Neuro-Linguistic
Programming (NLP)
- Aromatherapy
- Swedish Massage
- Indian Head Massage
- Hot Stone Massage
- Thai Hand and Foot Massage
- Reflexology
- Reiki
- Kinesiology
- Touch For Health
- Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)
- Hopi Ear Candles
- Nova Sonic Therapy
- Paraffin Wax
- Complementary Therapies
- Care/Support Services
- Supported Living
- Respite Care
Home Care & Support
- Day Visits
UpComing Events
Visit our Up and Coming Social Events page for all the latest Trips and Outings
Events -
Pamper Days
Visit our Pamper Days page for all the latest Pamper Day Offers